Information on how to use the portal, provided instructions on all of the features.





How to access the portal

  1. Go to and to the top right-hand corner where the employee logon tab is.
  2. Using your logon card given to you use the username and password to get into the portal.
  3. Once in the portal this tab will aid you in anything you need to do.
  • Home – Latest news and information.
  • Forms gives you access to the leave form, accident and incident report form and employee purchase form. Complete the form required, sign and submit.  This will automatically send an email to (see instruction below on requirements to complete these forms).
  • Safety – access to company safety procedures and includes SWMS, JSEA, Emergency response, dial before you dig, MSDS and more. If any updates are required please notify the office by emailing
  • HR – All the important things.
  • New starters paperwork completed online and submitted directly to office.
  • Access to all the company Policies & Procedures
  • Individual licencing – allows you to access your current licencing and to upload any expired licencing or new licencing. An email will automatically be sent to for us to update Google drive.
  • Company Licencing – Access to any licencing in the company name.
  • Resources tab is for looking at information about guidelines, updates, and technical advice. Note – Please advise office of any updates needed by emailing
  • Receipts tab allows you to upload photos of your receipts as you buy things.
  • Every purchase you make on behalf of the company must be uploaded preferably at the time of purchase. This includes all Motorpass, Credit Card, Bunnings account and any other receipts no exceptions.
  • Each vehicle has been given a blue document folder that you will place all receipts, then in the first week of the month(as early as possible) you will drop off all the receipts in this folder into the office by placing them in the tray with your registration number(trays sit on top of filing cabinets in downstairs office.
  • If you are driving a vehicle or using a company credit card it is your responsibility to upload and pass on receipt to relevant staff member to place in the blue document folder.
  • Use of Tracey’s credit card, please upload receipts on portal and notify Tracey you have used her credit card, The original’s need to be bought into the office.
  • Each receipt must have a name, job no.(if applicable), car rego no.(if applicable), CC if purchased on a credit card.


Accessing individual licensing

  1. In the HR tab, go down to the individual licenses section. This will take you to either view now or to upload a new license.
  2. To view licensing click on ‘view now’ which will take you to Google Drive, using the logon details(found on your login card issued) This will then take you directly to your licensing folder where you can access all your licencing that you have provided to Actnow.
  3. To upload a license, use the upload button to submit a photo of the chosen license which will then be sent to administration to add into Google Drive.


Uploading receipts

  1. Take a photo of the receipt you need to upload.
  2. Enter in your details to log in to the portal and then go into the receipts tab.
  3. Enter in all the relevant information including your name, how the item/s were purchased, the job number if its for a job and the vehicle registration if for a vehicle.

Note: All of this information must be entered into the portal and written on the receipt to help with referencing when processing in the office.


Sick/Leave Forms

  1. By entering into the forms tab it gives you access to three forms, one of these is the sick forms.
  2. Enter in your name and email.
  3. Your reason for not being at work or requesting leave: RDO, annual, sick or for any other reason.
  4. List the dates you want to take off and your return-to-work date.
  5. Then tick the box which states you recognise you will not be paid if you have no annual leave left.
  6. Then you can electronically sign this.
  7. Once this is done it will be sent to the office for approval and you can also tick to receive an email with the leave document.


Accident and Incident Report Forms

  1. Complete all details on the Accident/Incident Report form, sign and submit. Once you submit an email will be sent to

Note – all details must be completed. Please ensure you notify your direct supervisor.


Employee Purchase Form

  1. This form is used for Salary Sacrifice and Reimbursement of monies for items you have purchased with your money on behalf of Actnow Energy Solutions.

(Note – This form is not for purchases made on Actnow credit cards or Suppliers Actnow has accounts).

Complete all details on the form and upload your receipt.

(Note – There is an option to tick no you don’t have a receipt, if you don’t have receipt you need to contact Tracey in the office to discuss as all purchases require a receipt for taxation purposes).